Thursday, July 23, 2009

We are Bleeding Sunscreen!

Day four, our last day at our worksites has come to a conclusion. The ramp construction is complete and is even painted! We did as much work as we had material to use at the other two sites, so it must have been a successful week.

For lunch today we all headed out to the Bayou site and had a lunch consisting of shrimp fried rice (both spicy and not spicy varieties) and a green bean dish prepared by the owner of the house Paul and his wife Carol. The shrimp was obviously as fresh as it could have been and was therefore fantastic!

And yesterday for dinner Ron came to join us and brought some of his famous beans, which were absolutely fantastic! and afterward we had a time of singing camp songs that we may or may not have known, and finished off the evening of a good ol' rendition of 606, which brought together mennonites from Kansas, Germany, Louisiana, and Winnipeg.

After the singing time, we wandered outside and found an armadillo scampering around! We are now trying to figure out how to hunt and catch and domesticate them. Thus far it has been fairly unsuccessful.

Tomorrow we are cleaning up the camp here, as everyone is leaving it until the fall.

Last night saw great advancement made in the world of music. When Doug's lack of sleep caused him to break out in a new form of the Veggietales theme song, Heather and Jen jumped on board. Doug wrote most of the chorus, Heather, Jen and PJ contributed the verses. Every verse is written for a specific theme of this trip. Number 1 is traveling, number 2 is about a general Louisiana work day, and numbers 3-5 deal specifically with each job site. And there may yet be more verses to come! Without further ado...

Doug's Song (To the tune of the Veggietales theme song):

Farmer's tan
Farmer's tan
Farmer's tan
Red and burnt

Verse 1:
30 hours
Church floors
Cold shower
We made it here

Verse 2:
Mosquito spray
After Bite
Sock tan

Verse 3:
Orange Crush
Ice cream sandwiches
All from Ron
Verse 4:
Find a knife
Catch a rat

Verse 5:
Table saw
Power tools
2 x 4s
Covered in paint


  1. Way to go guys & gals! As I was sweating while mowing the lawn at 24 degrees I did think of you all in the heat & humidity and cooled down quickly! Enjoy the journey home. Kathy

  2. Hey guys, it's been great hearing about your days! We spent four days up on Lake Winnipeg with rain and 28 degrees as a highlight. Johnny dug a lovely sand recliner for Michael on the beach and then we left him there while we went to get lunch. It was lovely, we talked of what 40 degrees and bugs might be like and felt your pain:) Safe travels as you head out tomorrow.

