Wednesday, July 22, 2009

We Miss you Michael!

Work day number three has finally come to an end. We are now officially over half way done!! The weather has been in the 40's with the humidity every day, and 30 now feels like a nice cool day.

Monday night found us all exhausted after the first day of work. However, PJ convinced that a short 1 mile walk to the Mississippi would be a good way to loosen up our stiff bodies.

Then Andrew made plans...

Our 1 mile "walk" turned into a 130 km drive to the southernmost part of Louisiana. Although it was late and it was a little hard to see, we did get to soak in some of the sights that southern Louisiana has to offer.

On Tuesday night we took a trip to New Orleans to take in some of the sights, sounds, and smells. We started just walking around and looking at the touristy shops and eventually stumbled on Evan's new favourite place, Bourbon Street. We started at the "G" rated section, and made our way through the "PG", "PG-13", "14A", and eventually found ourselves in the "R" rated section where Jenn made us turn off. Though it was only a tuesday night, it was a very happenin' place with people everywhere and buskers on every corner. We were serenaded by a fantastic trio for about 15 minutes! We then continued walking around town looking for a washroom (unsuccessfully). We also saw a donkey pulling a cart! After spending time watching a GTR peel out of a parkade, we proceeded to head "home" where we arrived an hour past curfew. B.A!

Currently we are waiting for our singing and fellowshipping time with Mr. Ron (one of the owners of a house we are working on). We're excited to see what tomorrow has in store for us!

1 comment:

  1. Ok SO I've commented about four times and have not quite yet realized that I had to verify my comment, then copy the code and then say "Post Comment" for the third time... wow what a blog noobie i am oh well, i tried to remember what I said for the other entries but i've forgotten :P

    Anyways I was sitting on a beach yesterday and it was 27 degrees and i thought it was pretty toasty, i can only imagine what 40 degrees is like and humid, can you fry eggs? if not quite i' sure you could melt a slurpee in record time... OH WAIT THEY DON'T HAVE SLURPEES! ouch harshness.
    As for Bourbon Street, I'm not really sure what that is, maybe I'll google it... then again maybe not! And the "smells" of Louisiana that just sounds gross unless it's a delicacy of the southern states like 'gator stew' or something exciting like that. And finally I don't think the GTR would've beaten the Cayenne GTS that I saw today... nevermind it totally would.... what do i know about fast cars.
    Hope you are all still having a blast, clouds and a slightly cooler temperature from winnipeg, PEACE!
